Jurᴀssic World Dominion’s ending wraps up the Jurᴀssic World trilogy and the story that began all the way back in Jurᴀssic Park. Jurᴀssic World Dominion ends with Owen, Claire, and the Jurᴀssic Park crew — Ellie Sattler, Alan Grant, and Ian Malcolm — escaping Biosyn amidst the sanctuary burning down after Lewis Dodgson attempted to destroy the locust evidence before word got out. After rescuing Maisie, Dr. Henry Wu studies her DNA to create a pathogen that alters the locust’s DNA, stopping them from destroying global harvests and restoring balance to the ecological system.
With Biosyn down the drain following Ramsay Cole’s testimony, the valley was declared a global sanctuary for all dinosaurs to roam free without fear of illegal capture. The film’s ending concludes the overall story that began in Jurᴀssic World and provides closure for all the characters — new and old — before the credits roll. However, there are still elements of the ending that might be unclear and some aspects that are worth diving into a little deeper.
Biosyn’s Plan Explained (Why Lewis Wanted It To Happen)
Biosyn Sought To Elevate Its Value Through Disrupting The Food Supply
In the years since Jurᴀssic Park, Lewis Dodgson has moved past simply stealing dinosaur embryos. He’s become the CEO of Biosyn, a genetic company with the resources to experiment on dinosaur genomes. The company also created a sanctuary for dinosaurs in Italy’s Dolomite Mountains. Although the company boasts that it’s experimenting on dinosaurs in a bid to cure human diseases and help the world, Lewis has actually created dinosaur locusts that feed on harvests around the world that don’t come directly from Biosyn.
Disrupting the food chain is what Lewis wants, because it would then force the world to rely on Biosyn as the primary resource.
This is devastating the world’s ecological system, with the locusts eating animal food sources. This leaves them starving and threatens to eradicate them, which would roll over to humans who eat these very animals. Disrupting the food chain is what Lewis wants because it would then force the world to rely on Biosyn as the primary resource. The locusts destroying global harvests effectively puts Biosyn in control of the ecological system. Above all, Lewis wanted control and power. Covering up Biosyn’s company mission was the best way to achieve something sinister under the guise of doing good.
Why Dr. Henry Wu Decided To Help (& How He Planned To Do It)
Wu Finds Redemption For His Past Mistakes
Dr. Henry Wu has been an antagonist for most of the Jurᴀssic World franchise. While his role in Jurᴀssic Park was diminished, he eventually rose to positions of power within InGen and was responsible for creating hybrid dinosaurs like the Indominus Rex. In Jurᴀssic World Dominion, Henry feels a lot of guilt for what Biosyn was doing; it didn’t sit right with him that the locusts were damaging the world’s ecological system.
He was seeing the destruction first-hand of experimenting with dinosaur genomes, and Henry wanted to help fix the problem by proving that genome experimentation could actually help with the locust problem and cure diseases. Henry planned to study Maisie’s clone DNA to figure out how Charlotte Lockwood managed to remove any genetic disorders from the sequence.
By figuring out and understanding Maisie’s genome, Henry could alter the locusts’ own DNA so that they would die out within a generation and stop feeding on harvests entirely. Henry’s plan effectively helped save the world from ecological disaster and carved a path for genome pathogens to potentially cure human disease on a global scale.
Maisie Lockwood’s Cloning & Fallen Kingdom Retcon Explained
Maisie’s Connection To Charlotte Was Mᴀssively Altered
Jurᴀssic World: Fallen Kingdom revealed Maisie Lockwood was the clone of Charlotte Lockwood, Benjamin Lockwood’s daughter who presumably died in a car accident. However, Jurᴀssic World Dominion confirmed Maisie was not only Charlotte’s clone, but that Charlotte herself was the 14-year-old’s biological mother. Charlotte really wanted a child and, as one of the lead geneticists at InGen, cloned herself and carried Maisie for nine months before she was born.
Charlotte’s decision to clone herself is what ultimately drove Benjamin and his business partner John Hammond, the former CEO of InGen and founder of Jurᴀssic Park, apart.
What’s more, Charlotte wasn’t killed in a car accident at all; she died because of a genetic disorder she didn’t realize she had until after Maisie was born. However, Charlotte was able to create a treatment that ensured Maisie’s DNA wouldn’t hold any genetic disorders or diseases, allowing her to live a life different from Charlotte’s. Charlotte’s decision to clone herself is what ultimately drove Benjamin and his business partner John Hammond, the former CEO of InGen and founder of Jurᴀssic Park, apart.
What Happens To The Original Jurᴀssic Park Characters After Dominion?
Alan, Ellie, And Ian All Have Happy Endings
Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler, and Ian Malcolm returned in Jurᴀssic World Dominion, working together to shut down Biosyn and reveal to the world what the company was really doing with the locusts. Following their success, the three Jurᴀssic Park characters testified against Biosyn and revealed the truth of what was happening. Alan and Ellie got back together romantically after dancing around each other throughout the film.
Jurᴀssic World Dominion’s Cast
Actors |
Characters |
Chris Pratt |
Owen Grady |
Bryce Dallas Howard |
Claire Dearing |
Laura Dern |
Ellie Sattler |
Jeff Goldblum |
Ian Malcolm |
Sam Neill |
Alan Grant |
DeWanda Wise |
Kayla Watts |
Campbell Scott |
Dr. Lewis Dodgson |
Mamoudou Athie |
Ramsay Cole |
BD Wong |
Dr. Henry Wu |
Isabella Sermon |
Maisie Lockwood |
Alan decides not to go back to his paleontology digs, choosing instead to join Ellie. This is significant because the pair initially broke up due to Alan’s love of dinosaurs over Ellie. Ian Malcolm’s future is less clear, though he will likely continue lecturing about the coexistence of dinosaurs and humans now that he is no longer employed by Biosyn.
How Dominion Ends Owen & Claire’s Jurᴀssic World Story
Their Life Is Likely To Become A Bit More Normal
Owen and Claire spent the majority of Jurᴀssic World Dominion searching for the kidnapped Maisie. After rescuing her and escaping Biosyn, Owen and Claire return to their cabin in the woods with Maisie. Claire will likely continue being an animal rights activist and freeing dinosaurs from captivity, though it’s possible she will go about it differently. Claire and Owen are still together at the end and have settled further into their roles as Maisie’s parents. Now that Maisie is no longer in danger, she can live a more normal life instead of one in hiding.
What’s Next For Jurᴀssic World Dominion’s Other Characters?
The Allies Of The Heroes Find New Directions
Jurᴀssic World Dominion featured a plethora of characters, many of whom played an active role in the plot. Pilot Kayla Watts is given a new plane after hers was destroyed in the rescue mission at Biosyn. After helping save Maisie, it’s unlikely Kayla will go back to transporting illegal goods and captive dinosaurs in the aftermath. Ramsay Cole, meanwhile, gave his testimony regarding what Biosyn was up to.
Following Jurᴀssic World Dominion’s ending, it’s possible he will spearhead dinosaur genome projects that are far more moral than what Lewis was doing, helping to advance human biology. Barry, who returned for Jurᴀssic World 3 after last being seen in Jurᴀssic World, will continue working with French intelligence, while Franklin Webb and Zia Rodriguez will probably remain at Claire’s side as animal rights activists.
Why T-Rex & Therizinosaurus Team Up To Defeat The Giganotosaurus
The Dino Showdown Sought To Determine The Island’s Most Powerful Resident
The Tyrannosaurus rex and Therizinosaurus’ fight against the Giganotosaurus was over-hyped and short-lived, but the two worked together to defeat the latter to prove their dominance. The Giganotosaurus was the largest and most powerful carnivore — something which is mentioned a lot throughout Jurᴀssic World Dominion.
The T-Rex and Therizinosaurus were certainly not stepping in to protect the human characters trying to get away from the Giganotosaurus. Their team-up was more a show of power than anything else. With the Giganotosaurus dominating Biosyn’s sanctuary, the other two dinos thought it an opportune moment to go to battle. Two dinosaurs are better than one against the most threatening carnivore around.
Can Dinosaurs Really Cohabit The Earth With Humans?
A New World Order Is Established
Jurᴀssic World Dominion ᴀsserts that humans and dinosaurs have begrudgingly been living alongside one another for four years. Ian Malcolm firmly states that humans don’t have dominion over nature, but are subordinate to it. Dinosaurs are a part of nature, though their numbers aren’t greater than the human population, which now has a number of ways to keep them from destroying people and the lives they’ve carved out for themselves.
The end of Jurᴀssic World Dominion proves that, yes, dinosaurs and humans can cohabit the planet without eradicating either species. Certain dinosaurs are shown running alongside horses and flying with birds. The bigger and more dangerous dinosaurs are kept in the global sanctuary that was once Biosyn property. And with locusts now fixed, the altering of dinosaur genome shows that the creatures can live alongside humans and the world’s animal population without causing devastating harm.
What Jurᴀssic World Dominion’s Ending Really Means
Life Finds A Way
Jurᴀssic World Dominion focuses a lot on the coexistence of humans and dinosaurs. For a long time, humans were at the top of the food chain, but the reemergence of the dinosaurs greatly affected and shook up the existing level of dominance. However, the overall theme is firm in the idea that humans must cooperate and adapt to their new world if they are going to survive and, crucially, prosper.
Jurᴀssic World Dominion is a primary showcase of these themes, a combination of valuing life instead of working to destroy it — no matter what happens.
To that end, the film offers a message of tolerance, of adapting to change no matter what is, of respecting all living things — be they human, animal, clone, or hybrid. The ending also confirms what Ian Malcolm says about life: It always finds a way and breaks free. Jurᴀssic World Dominion is a primary showcase of these themes, a combination of valuing life instead of working to destroy it — no matter what happens.
How The Jurᴀssic World Dominion Ending Was Received
Jurᴀssic World 3 Was Seen As A Missed Opportunity
While Jurᴀssic World Dominion was presented as the epic culmination of the mᴀssive story that started back in 1993, the result was what many considered a major letdown. Jurᴀssic World: Fallen Kingdom was met with a mixed response from fans and critics, but it was acknowledged that it set up an exciting follow-up with the dinosaurs now free in the human world. This is an idea that seemed to be an obvious direction for the franchise to head in since the beginning and the final chapter felt like the perfect time to make it a reality.
Unfortunately, many agreed that Jurᴀssic World Dominion fumbled this opportunity. Rather than carry on with that exciting new development from the previous movie, Jurᴀssic World Dominion inexplicably decided to focus on the least interesting storyline from Jurᴀssic World: Fallen Kingdom — the truth about Maisie Lockwood. Centering on her background and how it relates to the larger story felt like a way to include the Jurᴀssic World characters when it might have made more sense to simply move on from them.
The movie seemed to have a perfect story set up to explore the complications of humans and dinosaurs inhabiting the same world.
As talented as Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard are as actors, their characters failed to really connect with audiences. Owen Grady, in particular, was seen as a lazy creation of a main hero, simply given “cool guy” things to do without a personality to work off of. The faults of these characters were only made more evident by having the beloved original characters return. However, it was only more frustrating that Alan, Ellie, and Ian were given so little to do in favor of Owen and Claire.
Perhaps the most bewildering aspect of Jurᴀssic World Dominion was the locust storyline. Once again, the movie seemed to have a perfect story set up to explore the complications of humans and dinosaurs inhabiting the same world. However, the movie decided to push the dinosaurs to the background and focus on the implications of prehistoric locusts. It seems obvious that such a decision would disappoint fans, especially as the dinosaurs don’t really get to take center stage until the climax, where the action is taken out of the real world and placed on an isolated island once again.
Does Jurᴀssic World Dominion Set Up The Sequel?
Jurᴀssic World: Rebirth Arrives This Summer
It seemed quite obvious that Jurᴀssic World Dominion would not be the last movie in this franchise, but they seem to have kept their promise about it serving as the conclusion of the Jurᴀssic Park/Jurᴀssic World storyline. Indeed, the franchise is back with the upcoming Jurᴀssic World Rebirth, but it will feature an entirely new set of characters and a storyline that is separate from the previous movies. However, that does not mean that there are no connections.
The continuity of the previous movies seems to be intact with Jurᴀssic World Rebirth taking place after the events of Jurᴀssic World: Dominion. The movie explores the aftermath of the dinosaurs coming into the human world and finding the environment inhospitable to them. As a result, many have migrated to an isolated island. The story follows a group of scientists and mercenaries who travel to the island to collect samples from the dinosaurs that could have life-saving medical value.
Despite the poor reception of Jurᴀssic World Dominion, it is not being ignored for the next installment as the world it established provides the backdrop. However, there are no confirmed returning characters and it is unlikely that the storylines from the Jurᴀssic World trilogy will play into the new movie. Still, the mix of dinosaur action and a story about science and nature colliding is very much in keeping with the Jurᴀssic Park franchise.