These 12 Jedi in Star Wars are each perfectly suited to the Zodiac signs. A number of new Jedi have been added to Star Wars movies and TV shows since the franchise began with just Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker in A New Hope. In fact, some of Star Wars’ most powerful Jedi weren’t added until much later on in the franchise.
Many of these Jedi were introduced into the franchise in the prequel trilogy, during which the Jedi Order was still fully operational and consisted of thousands of Jedi. Some of Star Wars’ very best Jedi have only appeared in Star Wars TV shows, though, such as Ezra Bridger and Ahsoka Tano. Of all the Jedi in Star Wars, including the TV shows as well as the movies, these 12 Jedi perfectly represent each of the 12 Zodiac signs.
An Aries’ Confident, Determined Nature Is A Perfect Fit For Leia Organa
First Appeared In: A New Hope
Aries is a sign known for being pᴀssionate and determined, making it absolutely perfect for Leia Organa. From the minute Leia was introduced in Star Wars, it was clear that she was fierce. She went toe to toe with Darth Vader himself, and even then, she didn’t back down. In all her appearances across the Star Wars timeline, that personality remained the same.
Aries is a sign known for being pᴀssionate and determined, making it absolutely perfect for Leia Organa.
Of course, as with any astrological sign, there are positives as well as negatives, and Leia fits those for Aries too. Aries are also known to be a bit aggressive and prone to anger. Like her father before her, Leia was often quick to get annoyed or frustrated, which she made clear throughout her time in Star Wars. Nevertheless, Leia is primarily remembered for her incredible confidence and bravery, even in the face of impossible odds.
Qui-Gon Jinn’s Stubborn Side Makes Him A Taurus, But So Does His Patience
First Appeared In: Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
Qui-Gon Jinn may have gotten relatively little screen time in Star Wars due to his death in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, but his impact has been immense. Qui-Gon was a clear influence on Obi-Wan and Anakin, with each continuing to draw upon all he had taught them throughout their lifetimes (with Anakin’s time as Vader being an obvious exception). He also proved to be quite a challenge for the Jedi Council because he was so strong-willed.
This makes Qui-Gon a perfect fit for Taurus. As the symbol of the bull makes clear, Taurus are known to be headstrong, which can often translate to being stubborn. This could easily describe Qui-Gon, who often went his own way because he felt his way was the proper way—such as by saying he would train Anakin no matter what the Council said. However, Qui-Gon’s positive traits, such as his patience, also make him a Taurus.
Impulsive But Creative Geminis Would Obviously Be Ezra Bridger
First Appeared In: Star Wars Rebels
Geminis are known to be creative and outgoing, but they can also have a bit of a problem with impulsivity, making them a match for Ezra Bridger. Ezra quickly became a fan favorite when he was introduced in Star Wars Rebels. He was immediately plenty of fun and felt genuinely unique even as he shared an optimism and adventurous spirit with characters like Luke Skywalker.
Ezra Bridger also could certainly be described as impulsive, though, which was clear throughout Rebels. Ezra often acted first and thought later, and while that tended to work out, it makes him clearly aligned with Geminis. It will be interesting to see whether he’s aged out of that somewhat now that he’s an adult in Ahsoka and will presumably be returning in Ahsoka season 2. Particularly with Ezra back in the main Star Wars galaxy, Grand Admiral Thrawn posing a mᴀssive threat, and Ahsoka Tano now trapped on Peridea, Ezra’s skills will be needed.
Compᴀssionate Cancers Perfectly Match Rey Skywalker
First Appeared In: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Cancers are known to be emotional and even moody at times, but they are also deeply compᴀssionate and empathetic. All of this makes the Zodiac sign perfectly suited to Rey Skywalker. From the very beginning in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Rey’s compᴀssion was clear. After all, she took BB-8 in and intervened when he was being attacked, despite it being a great personal risk to herself.
Rey can also be a bit moody, though, which was clear throughout the sequel trilogy as well, although Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker in particular. Rey had good reason to be moody, given she was facing brutal truths about her past throughout the sequels and had grown up largely alone, fending for herself. Nevertheless, both sides of Rey make her a clear Cancer.
Ambitious And A Bit Arrogant, Leos Are Clearly Anakin Skywalker
First Appeared In: A New Hope
Leos are one of three fire signs, and like all fire signs, they are known for their pᴀssion and H๏τ-headed natures. For Leos, these traits are also specifically tied to arrogance and a bit of an ego. Of course, it’s not all bad, as Leos—the lions of the Zodiac—are also known to be incredibly loyal and brave.
Leos—the lions of the Zodiac—are also known to be incredibly loyal and brave.
All these traits make Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader a clear Leo. Anakin’s pride and short temper were clear in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, and that obviously came to define his destiny. However, Anakin was also deeply loyal to those he loved, which he made clear time and again. It goes without saying that Anakin was also incredibly brave, often running into battle headfirst without a second thought (for better or worse).
Master Yoda’s Disciplined, Wise Traits Make Him A Virgo
First Appeared In: The Empire Strikes Back
Virgos are organized, disciplined, and intelligent, all of which makes them a perfect fit for Master Yoda. Yoda is arguably the single wisest character in Star Wars, in spite of all that happens throughout the prequel trilogy, which is why Jedi continue to look to him for guidance across centuries. Yes, his age played a role in that wisdom, but his nature also perfectly primed him for this role.
Virgos are organized, disciplined, and intelligent, all of which make them a perfect fit for Master Yoda.
Virgos are also seen as perfectionists, and while Yoda might be a bit more flexible than that, he was certainly organized, disciplined, and detail-oriented. This, too, helped him run the Jedi Order, which requires an exceptional being. Yoda shares in a Virgo’s more difficult traits as well, such as believing they are right, even when the facts may indicate otherwise. This was in part why so much corruption and deceit, especially by Palpatine, flew under the Jedi’s radar.
Mace Windu Shares Libras’ Diplomatic Perspective
First Appeared In: Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
Mace Windu is one of the most fascinatingly complicated characters in Star Wars. It’s undeniable that Mace Windu was an incredible Jedi, even inventing his own form of lightsaber fighting that few could master. However, Mace Windu’s appearances throughout the prequel trilogy and Star Wars: The Clone Wars prove that he was quite different from other Jedi, especially when it came to his degree of practicality.
Mace Windu was arguably diplomatic to a fault, which makes him well-suited to the Libra Zodiac sign. Libras are known to be diplomatic and invested in maintaining balance, both of which certainly describe Mace Windu. Ultimately, keeping a level head, approaching matters objectively, and maintaining balance were paramount for Mace Windu, even if it meant being a bit standoffish with a nine-year-old. This is also what made him so essential to the Jedi Council, though, as not all Council members shared Mace Windu’s perspective.
Mace Windu was arguably diplomatic to a fault, which makes him well-suited to the Libra Zodiac sign.
Ben Solo’s Complex History Fits Scorpios’ Secrecy And Pᴀssion
First Appeared In: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Scorpios are perhaps one of the most misunderstood Zodiac signs. Scorpios are often seen only for their negative traits, such as their tendency to be secretive. This is likely due in part to the symbol of this Zodiac sign, a scorpion, which has more negative, even villainous connotations. However, Scorpios also have great ambition and pᴀssion, which can be major strengths rather than weaknesses.
All these traits also describe Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, who, despite temporarily being a villain in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, proved to be so much more in the end. Yes, secrecy could certainly describe Kylo Ren’s behavior, especially before fully leaving Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Temple, but also when he was under Snoke, whom he also turned on. Yet, Kylo was also undeniably pᴀssionate—a trait he maintained when he went back to the light side of the Force and became Ben Solo once more.
Sagittarius’ Adventurousness And Optimism Are Just Like Luke Skywalker
First Appeared In: A New Hope
Sagittarius is a Zodiac sign known for optimism and adventurousness, both of which make this sign perfect for Luke Skywalker, especially in the original Star Wars trilogy. From the beginning in A New Hope, it was clear that Luke wanted something greater than the life he had as a moisture farmer on Tatooine, and he obviously quickly found that adventure. Luke can also easily be described as optimistic, as he never lost faith in the fight against the Empire, even when the odds seemed daunting.
This of course became a bit more complicated in the sequel trilogy, during which Luke was secluded on Ahch-To and had lost faith in the galaxy and the Jedi. This ended up being a temporary hiccup and didn’t change who he truly was, though. At his core, Luke is an optimistic person who will keep the faith even when times are tough.
Capricorn’s Ambition And Suspicion Are Perfect Matches For Barriss Offee
First Appeared In: Star Wars: Episode II – Attack Of The Clones
Capricorns are known for their ambition and suspicion, both of which make the sign well-suited to Barriss Offee. Barriss has primarily been shown in The Clone Wars and Star Wars: Tales of the Empire, although she does appear elsewhere in Star Wars. In both shows, her ambition shines through—especially given she temporarily ends up on the dark side of the Force and even joins the Imperial Inquisitors.
Yet, these are not purely negative traits in Barriss. In fact, however controversial the statement may be, Barriss wasn’t entirely wrong about the Jedi. As she claimed, the Jedi had betrayed who/what they once were during the Clone Wars. While that doesn’t make all of her actions right, it does reveal that her more suspicious nature was nuanced, just as it is with Capricorns. Barriss also shared Capricorn’s determination and grit, before, during, and after her fall to the dark side.
Barriss wasn’t entirely wrong about the Jedi.
Ahsoka Tano’s Intelligence And Independence Make Her An Aquarius
First Appeared In: Star Wars: The Clone Wars
The Aquarius Zodiac sign is known for intelligence, independence, and creativity, all of which clearly fit with Ahsoka Tano. Ahsoka is one of Star Wars’ best characters, which the franchise is obviously aware of given that Ahsoka is now among the top Star Wars characters in terms of screen time. She has many incredible traits that make her so beloved and such a powerful character, among them her intelligence and creativity.
Both were on full display when she left the Jedi Order in The Clone Wars and had to strike out on her own, as was her independence. She also continues to display these traits even now, as she still calls upon her sharp wit and creative thinking to tackle a whole host of problems. This will likely come in handy during Ahsoka season 2, during which she will be trapped on Peridea.
Pisces’ Generosity And Empathy Suit Obi-Wan Kenobi
First Appeared In: A New Hope
Finally, Pisces will relate to Obi-Wan Kenobi’s generosity and empathy. Throughout his time in Star Wars, although perhaps especially the prequel trilogy, Obi-Wan proved what an empathetic, giving person he really was. This was true when the Jedi Order was still at its height and when Obi-Wan had to go into hiding in Tatooine at the end of Revenge of the Sith. When others needed him, Obi-Wan was there, be it a friend or a stranger.
This also holds true in the Obi-Wan Kenobi show. Despite the risks it posed and all it demanded of him, Obi-Wan accepted Bail Organa’s plea that Obi-Wan go find Leia after she was kidnapped. This is just one example of many that proves how selfless and compᴀssionate Obi-Wan was. Throughout Star Wars, Obi-Wan maintained this compᴀssion, empathy, and generous spirit.