Where Star Trek: The Original Series’ Enterprise Crew Is During Michelle Yeoh’s Section 31 Movie

Warning: SPOILERS For Star Trek: Section 31Here are the known whereabouts of Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and his USS Enterprise crew in Star Trek: Section 31. The first Star Trek streaming movie, Section 31 is also the first major Star Trek adventure set in the 24th century “lost era” between Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country and Star Trek: The Next Generation. Star Trek: Section 31 establishes its Stardate as 1292.4, which translates to the year 2324, which is 31 years after Star Trek VI and 40 years before TNG.

The last time the cast of Star Trek: The Original Series was all together was in 2293, when Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country takes place. Later in 2293, Captain Kirk, Commander Pavel Chekov (Walter Koenig), and Scotty (James Doohan) take part in the launch of the USS Enterprise-B, as seen in the prologue of Star Trek Generations. Star Trek: Section 31 takes place over three decades after the fateful maiden voyage of the Enterprise-B. The crew of Captain Kirk’s Starship Enterprise are scattered throughout space and time while Emperor Philippa Georgiou (Michelle Yeoh) and Section 31 are saving the United Federation of Planets.


Pavel Chekov

Chekov’s Last Appearance Was In Star Trek Generations

Commander Pavel Chekov’s life after his appearance in Star Trek Generations‘ prologue hasn’t been canonically established. Chekov was part of Captain Kirk’s USS Enterprise crew since Star Trek: The Original Series season 2, and he remained throughout until the USS Enterprise-A’s final voyage in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. Chekov was also briefly First Officer of the USS Reliant in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

At some point, Chekov had a son, Anton Chekov (voiced by Walter Koenig), who became President of the United Federation of Planets. In 2401, President Chekov was heard offering words of hope when the Borg ᴀssimilated Starleet at the end of Star Trek: Picard season 3. Pavel Chekov was born in 2245, which would make him 79 years old during Star Trek: Section 31.


Nyota Uhura

Uhura Became A Captain Before Section 31

Uhura tense in Star Trek V

Lieutenant Nyota Uhura’s (Nichelle Nichols) final canonical appearance in Star Trek‘s timeline was in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. Uhura joined the USS Enterprise as a Starfleet Academy Cadet in 2259, as seen in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, and Nyota’s entire on-screen Starfleet career was as the Communications Officer of the Starship Enterprise.

Uhura retired from Starfleet in 2333, nine years after Star Trek: Section 31.

What happened to Uhura after Star Trek VI has been hinted at through minutia in Star Trek: Picard. Although not seen on-screen, Uhura was promoted to Captain of the USS Leondegrance and led a five-year mission from 2301-2305. Uhura retired from Starfleet in 2333, nine years after Star Trek: Section 31. Born in 2237, Nyota Uhura is 87 years old during Star Trek: Section 31.


Montgomery “Scotty” Scott

Scotty Ended Up In The 24th Century

Scotty (James Doohan) is in the limbo of the USS Jenolan’s pattern buffer during Star Trek: Section 31. Scotty last saw his entire USS Enterprise crew in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, and he was part of the USS Enterprise-B’s maiden voyage and encounter with the Nexus in Star Trek Generations‘ prologue, both in 2293. One year later, Scotty was aboard the Jenolan when it crashed into a Dyson Sphere, and the brilliant engineer saved himself via the Jenolan’s transporter pattern buffer.

75 years later, Scotty emerged in the 24th century when he was rescued by the crew of the USS Enterprise-D, as seen in Star Trek: The Next Generation‘s “Relics.” Born in 2222 and a member of the USS Enterprise’s crew since Star Trek: Strange New Worlds in 2259, Scotty was 72 years old when he entered the USS Jenolan’s transporter pattern buffer in 2294. In Star Trek: Section 31, Scotty would be 102 years old, and he’s chronologically 147 when Scotty returns in Star Trek: The Next Generation.


Captain Hikaru Sulu

Sulu Led The USS Excelsior As Captain

Captain Sulu in command of the USS Excelsior

The whereabouts of Captain Hikaru Sulu (George Takei) aren’t canonically known during the timeframe of Star Trek: Section 31. After serving as helmsman of the USS Enterprise for over 20 years, Sulu was promoted to Captain of the USS Excelsior after Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. Captain Sulu and the Excelsior joined Captain Kirk and the Starship Enterprise to expose a conspiracy to prevent the Khitomer peace conference in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.

Sulu also had a daughter, Demora Sulu (Jacqueline Kim), who became helmsman of the USS Enterprise-B in 2293.

Hikaru Sulu remained Captain of the Excelsior until 2320, four years before the events of Star Trek: Section 31, after leading dozens of exploratory missions. Captain Sulu was honored by his holographic portrait placed in Starfleet Headquarters. Born in 2230 in San Francisco, Captain Sulu is 94 years old during Star Trek: Section 31.


Dr. Leonard McCoy

Bones Reappears In Star Trek: The Next Generation’s Premiere

Star Trek TNG Encounter at Farpoint Dr. Mccoy Data

Star Trek has not canonically explained what happened to Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy (DeForest Kelley) between Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country and Star Trek: The Next Generation. McCoy’s final mission as Chief Medical Officer of the USS Enterprise-A was in Star Trek VI. Bones was not present during the prologue of Star Trek Generations, thus Dr. McCoy never saw his friend, Captain Kirk, again after the events of Star Trek VI.

Dr. McCoy is 97 years old during the events of Star Trek: Section 31.

As Admiral Leonard McCoy, the elderly Bones inspected the medical facilities of the Galaxy Class USS Enterprise-D in Star Trek: The Next Generation‘s series premiere, “Encounter at Farpoint.” Admiral McCoy was 137 during his TNG cameo. Born in 2227, Dr. McCoy is 97 years old during the events of Star Trek: Section 31.



Captain Spock Left Starfleet To Become An Ambᴀssador

Ambᴀssador Spock makes the Vulcan LLAP

Spock’s (Leonard Nimoy) activities between Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country and Star Trek: The Next Generation haven’t been fully established in Star Trek canon. Before the events of Star Trek VI, Captain Spock commenced his future career as an ambᴀssador when he opened a dialogue towards peace talks with Klingon High Chancellor Gorkon (David Warner). Spock wasn’t in Star Trek Generations, so the legendary Vulcan never saw his best friend, Captain Kirk, again after Star Trek VI.

Spock appeared in Star Trek: The Next Generation‘s “Unification” two-parter, having traveled to Romulus to negotiate the reunification of the Vulcan and Romulan people. Spock’s failed attempt to stop the Romulan supernova in 2387 sent him back to the 23rd century in the alternate Kelvin timeline created by J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek (2009). Born in 2230 on Vulcan, Spock is 94 years old during the events of Star Trek: Section 31 in 2324.


Captain James T. Kirk

Kirk Is Believed ᴅᴇᴀᴅ After 2293

Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) is believed to be ᴅᴇᴀᴅ during the events of Star Trek: Section 31. Kirk’s final mission as Captain of the Enterprise was in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country in 2293. Later that year, Captain Kirk, Scotty, and Chekov came aboard the USS Enterprise-B for its maiden voyage. Kirk was listed as killed in action after saving the Enterprise from impact by the Nexus while rescuing an El-Aurian freighter and its pᴀssengers. Like Scotty, Kirk ended up skipping the first six decades of the 24th century before his surprise reappearance.

Instead of being killed, Captain Kirk was actually pulled into the Nexus, an other-dimensional temporal space ribbon. To Kirk, he was only gone minutes when he emerged in the Nexus, but when Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) met Kirk in Star Trek Generations, 78 years had pᴀssed since the Captain’s disappearance. Tragically Kirk died (for real) soon after stopping Dr. Tolian Soran (Malcolm McDowell) from destroying Verdian III. Born in 2233 in Iowa, Captain James T. Kirk would be 91 years old during Star Trek: Section 31.

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