Insidious 6 has been delayed. The fifth movie in the Insidious franchise, Insidious: The Red Door, was intended to end the story. A sixth movie was later greenlit by Sony Pictures and scheduled for 2025 after Red Door‘s box office success, which saw it becoming the franchise’s highest-grossing installment. While few details are known about Insidious 6‘s story, it is confirmed to be separate from the spinoff film Thread: An Insidious Tale, which will star Mandy Moore and Kumail Nanjiani in a plot that is connected to the dimension known as The Further.
Sony Pictures has now confirmed that Insidious 6 will now be released a year later than originally planned. It is scheduled to debut in theaters on August 21, 2026 after having been previously slated for an August 29, 2025 release. Sony’s Caught Stealing, starring Austin Butler and directed by Darren Aronofsky, has taken the studio’s August 29, 2025 release slot. Zoë Kravitz, Regina King, and Liev Schreiber are also in Caught Stealing, which is adapted from Charlie Huston’s novel.
What This Means For Insidious 6
The Further’s Next Story Is Now Further Away
The summer 2026 release date pushes back the mainline continuation of the Insidious franchise. With the fifth movie having been released on July 7, 2023, Insidious 6 will now come to theaters more than three years after its predecessor. Even though the horror series, which first began in 2011, is confirmed to continue with Insidious 6 and in Thread, it is still unknown how exactly the story will proceed after Insidious: The Red Door‘s ending.
The 2023 movie ends with Josh Lambert (Patrick Wilson) coming back to life, which allows him to reunite and reconcile with his son, Dalton (Ty Simpkins). While the franchise could have ended there, Insidious: The Red Door‘s post-credits scene indicated there was more to come. The announcement of Insidious 6 will seemingly follow through on this tease, but the payoff will have to come later than anticipated, and it is still unclear if the movie will revolve around the Lambert family or other characters connected to The Further.
Our Take On Insidious 6’s New Release Date
The Delay May Be Good News
While the new release date is disappointing, it may ultimately be for the best. Insidious: The Red Door had a largely satisfying ending for the Lambert family. If they are to return in the next movie, the story needs to find a compelling reason to bring them back that does not undermine Red Door‘s ending. The Lambert family may not even be part of the next movie. The pushed back release date can provide more time to ensure that Insidious 6 is a worthy addition to the franchise.
Source: Sony Pictures