The Flash TV Show’s Reverse-Flash Actor Gives His The Flash Movie Review (& It’s Not What You Expect)

Disclaimer: The following quotes used in this article have been adjusted for clarity.The Arrowverse’s Reverse-Flash actor from The Flash TV show has given his thoughts on The Flash movie, with the DC star having recently provided his review of Ezra Miller’s superhero film. 2023 didn’t just mark the end of The CW’s The Flash, but also the arrival of Barry Allen’s cinematic adventure in the DCEU movie timeline. However, after years of being stuck in development hell, The Flash film didn’t get the results that Warner Bros. Discovery was hoping for, as it became one of the biggest superhero flops.

Nearly two years after The Flash movie’s theatrical release, one of the prominent stars of The Flash TV show has shared their thoughts on the DCEU film, as Tom Cavanagh spoke about the 2023 installment at Fan Expo Portland (via MrHistorican). Cavanagh – who played the villainous Reverse-Flash and many versions of Harrison Wells – addressed that, while aware of Miller’s controversies from this time period, he actually enjoyed The Flash movie, stating the following:

Tom Cavanagh: I saw it! A) I did see it, B) I liked it! Here’s what I think…I know they had all sorts of things, off-camera issues, and stuff going on. They do a remarkable job – the first half of that movie, in my opinion, and as somebody who’s protective of Grant Gustin as The Flash, I thought they were so very winning… They played him like they took the IQ level down and I thought that was good. No, but they did it purposely, and I think that’s going to make The Flash more innocent and different. Good call!

Because you don’t want to repeat what a guy did for a decade on television. When Keaton shows up – spoiler alert! – you’re like, “Holy c–p!” It’s so funny if you look at The Flash DVD cover, what’s on it? Batman, which tells you a little bit of something. Then the end of it, it’s a mᴀssive digital thing. That’s not always easy to accomplish, but if you watch the first half of that movie, and you watch its genesis story, it was a little slightly different than ours and I thought it was extremely well done. I remember talking to Geoff Johns about this, he’s DC, and Marvel’s kicking ᴀss, I’m like “What do you think about their success?” and he’s like, “What’s good for comic books is good for all of us.” And I sort of feel that way.

What Tom Cavanagh’s The Flash Movie Review Means For The DCEU Film

While Tom Cavanagh’s overall commentary on the DCEU film praised The Flash movie for its strengths, the Eobard Thawne actor didn’t avoid referencing the elements of the film that didn’t work. For example, while Cavanagh expresses being thrilled to see Michael Keaton’s Batman in The Flash, his comments that “It’s so funny if you look at The Flash DVD cover, what’s on it? Batman, which tells you a little bit of something” do tie to criticisms of the Dark Knight being more marketed for the film than the actual main superhero who stars in it.

Looking at Cavanagh’s statements regarding the controversial CGI sequences towards the movie’s end, it’s clear he understands the challenges that are part of filmmaking, especially for a release that is centered around a character who’s been explored in other stories. Even though it was always clear that making the movie different enough from The Flash TV show would be a challenge, Cavanagh clearly felt the two versions were unique enough from one another. In the end, The Flash movie will always be the subject of some very divided opinions, be it from more general audiences or from fellow Hollywood voices.

Our Take On Tom Cavanagh’s The Flash Movie Review

Barry Allen in The Flash movie with a stack of money behind him

Despite being aware that not everything worked about The Flash film, it’s fascinating to hear Cavanagh, someone who has been part of the speedster’s media franchise for a decade, chime in on a different iteration of the DC icon. Whether or not this will lead to more actors from The Flash series opening up about how they felt about the movie, ᴀssuming they saw it, remains to be seen. But for now, the world can relive both The Flash TV show and The Flash movie through streaming and on Blu-ray/DVD.

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Source: Fan Expo Portland (via MrHistorican)/YouTube

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