10 DC Movie Moments We Desperately Wish Were In Other Films Instead

Across the many iterations of the DC Universe, there are many scenes that can be argued to have fit better in other movies entirely. Given that the upcoming DC movies will begin the era of James Gunn’s franchise, many are looking back in retrospect. Rather than focus on the movies and shows of the DCU’s Chapter One, audiences are refamiliarizing themselves with the previous versions of DC Comics on film, so as to truly grasp the change that Gunn is said to usher in.

From the extensive timeline of the DCEU to the more standalone movies like Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight trilogy or Tim Burton’s original Batman films, the realm of DC has had many entries. As such, there are several iconic scenes that live in the minds of audiences who have longed to see their favorite characters depicted on-screen. Although these scenes will likely continue with James Gunn’s Superman movie, there are many moments over the years that may have actually been better utilized in other DC films entirely.


Batman Teaches The Flash A Lesson

Original Movie – The Flash (2023)

Ben Affleck's final appearance as Bruce Wayne in the DCEU in The Flash

In 2023’s The Flash, an early scene is showcased in which Ezra Miller’s Barry Allen discusses a big predicament with Ben Affleck’s Bruce Wayne. Barry explains that he can potentially rewind time to save his mother’s life, a longing that Bruce knows all too well after the deaths of his own parents. Bruce cautions Barry against doing so, and the scene makes for one of The Flash‘s best moments, alongside the emotional reunion Barry has with his mother late in the movie.

Despite the scene’s greatness, it can be argued that it would have been better suited in a more grounded movie. One of The Flash‘s criticisms was that its over-reliance on CGI elements robbed the film of most of its emotional weight. As such, including this scene in a different movie could have helped it stand out more. Moreover, the scene is a brilliant depiction of Ben Affleck’s Bruce Wayne; including it in a hypothetical DCEU Batman solo movie would have worked to flesh out the character while setting up a Flash movie.


The Green Lantern Corps Are Revealed

Original Movie – Green Lantern (2011)

2011’s Green Lantern is an infamous flop and one of the biggest superhero failures of all time. The movie was critically panned, disliked by audiences, and failed at the box office. As such, this has caused many to look back on the story with distaste. Perhaps the best scene in a lackluster movie, though, is the reveal of the Green Lantern Corps and what they stand for. For audiences familiar with the comics, this scene is special, given it is the first depiction of the characters in live-action.

That said, the rest of the movie being so disappointing hangs a cloud over the scene. With that in mind, this scene would have been better in either a more competent Green Lantern-centric film or even a Justice League movie. Having a restructured version of this scene as the stinger in a wider universe, like the DCEU, for example, could have improved it and set up a future for the DC Comics heroes without the rest of the film that essentially ended hopes of a sequel due to its reception.


Gary Puddles’ Testimony

Original Movie – Joker: Folie à Deux (2024)

Gary Puddles in Joker 2 looking sad

Undoubtedly the best scene in Joker: Folie à Deux was the testimony of Gary Puddles. Gary’s words against Arthur at the latter’s trial were incredibly harrowing and caused a huge emotional reaction. The reason for this is that the scene tied so intently to the story of 2019’s Joker, reminding audiences of what Arthur Fleck put others through on his path to becoming the Joker.

Placing Puddles’ testimony in the first film would have had the same emotional impact, only in a film that was much better received…

Herein lies why this scene would have worked better in another movie, specifically the first Joker. Many did not care for Joker: Folie à Deux, with criticisms being directed at the film’s disregard for its predecessor. As such, great moments like Puddles’ testimony were largely ignored due to the overwhelming backlash the sequel received. Placing Puddles’ testimony in the first film would have had the same emotional impact, only in a film that was much better received and more committed to exploring its тιтular character.


The Death Of Superman

Original Movie – Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has long been regarded as a mixed bag of a film. It has some excellent moments, but also some that make little sense and need more time to be explored. While the death of Superman at the hands of Doomsday in the final act of the movie mostly works, it would have been better left for a Superman-centric movie. BvS was criticized for rushing too quickly into a Justice League movie, with the death of Superman typifying this. Superman’s death caused Batman to build the iconic DC team, hence 2017’s Justice League.

However, there is no denying that the Justice League movie should have been made after more of the DCEU’s individual characters were fleshed out, Superman being one of them. Having a Man of Steel sequel, or even a trilogy, end with Clark dying thanks to Doomsday and Lex Luthor would have been much more effective. Not only are the latter two characters Superman villains in the comics but getting to know Clark more and establishing his friendship with Batman before he died and having Batman set up the Justice League in his honor would have been excellent.


Aquaman & Black Manta’s Final Fight

Original Movie – Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom (2023)

On the whole, Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom was somewhat disappointing. The film was mostly competent, but lacked a polished script and also the excitement of leading to more, given that it was commonly known to be the last DCEU movie. Some scenes still stood out, however, with James Wan retaining the excellent eye for kinetic action that he employed during the production of 2018’s Aquaman. One scene that exemplified this was the final fight between Aquaman and Black Manta, though this should have been utilized in the first movie.

For one, having Black Manta be overtaken by an evil spirit named Kordax robbed the film of the personal antagonism between Manta and Arthur. The first movie highlighted this much better, meaning the final fight – and the film as a whole – did not capitalize on their relationship. Secondly, Aquaman 2 was a box office flop, meaning many people did not see how Manta’s story ended. With the benefit of hindsight, having Manta be the main villain of 2018’s Aquaman and having his climactic confrontation with Arthur here would have been the better choice.


Batman’s Chase Of The Joker & Harley Quinn

Original Movie – Suicide Squad (2016)

Suicide Squad

2016’s Suicide Squad was poorly received for many reasons, none more so than its overly tenuous connections to the wider DCEU. One brief scene had Batman chasing Joker and Harley Quinn in his Batmobile. Despite sounding like an amazing scene for a Batman film, it was used as a small flashback in a messy Suicide Squad movie. Like the aforementioned scene from The Flash, not including a moment like this in a DCEU Ben Affleck-led Batman movie simply does not sit right.


Cyborg’s Backstory Scenes

Original Movie – Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021)

The four different versions of Justice League became confusing after a while, but the two most important are the 2017 theatrical release that featured extensive Joss Whedon reshoots and the 2021 version known as Zack Snyder’s Justice League. The latter is the film that Zack Snyder was building up to during his DCEU days and was released on HBO Max so that audiences could see how different the franchise may have been under the filmmaker’s continued leadership. As it turns out, the universe – like the movie – would have been very different.

Although there are many mᴀssive changes between 2017’s theatrical Justice League and Snyder’s cut, perhaps the biggest is the treatment of Cyborg. The latter film gave Cyborg an incredibly compelling, emotional, heartfelt backstory that the former completely removed in reshoots and re-edits, leading to controversial battles between actor Ray Fisher and Warner Bros. higher-ups. Cyborg was the heart of Zack Snyder’s Justice League, which everyone who has seen it would agree with. Above all else, this proves that the character’s backstory should have been included in 2017’s Justice League too.


Blue Beetle’s DCEU Hero Debut

Original Movie – Blue Beetle (2023)

Blue Beetle was one of the last movies in the DCEU, but unlike the likes of Shazam! 2, The Flash, and Aquaman 2, it was well-received by critics and fans. Unfortunately, this made the impending DCU reboot by James Gunn have a sour footnote as Blue Beetle has yet to be confirmed as part of the upcoming DC movie and TV slate. As such, the character’s debut may have been better in another hypothetical movie.

Had Blue Beetle not been released as part of the DCEU, including teases for his introduction in a DCU movie would have benefited his character. This would have allowed the hero to be included in another DCU story, all while setting up his solo movie. Superman has already proven that many DCU heroes will be introduced in other projects, meaning many may wish Blue Beetle’s debut was handled similarly without the uncertainty provided by the DCEU’s ending.


Martian Manhunter’s DCEU Debut

Original Movie – Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021)

Another prominent difference found in Zack Snyder’s Justice League was the introduction of Martian Manhunter to the DCEU. The scene was amazing and confirmed a long-running theory that was crafted in 2013 upon Man of Steel‘s release. That said, the scene was somewhat bittersweet for fans knowing that Snyder’s vision of the DCEU would not continue.

As such, Martian Manhunter’s DCEU debut should have been used in another film. Even 2017’s Justice League could have utilized this scene as an end-credits stinger over its Superman and Flash race. This way, an excellent character would have been teased for the future of the franchise rather than the same character being teased after the franchise was all but confirmed as ᴅᴇᴀᴅ.


Michael Keaton’s Batman Action Scenes

Original Movie – The Flash (2023)

Finally, the last scene from a DC movie that could have been better in another film is Michael Keaton’s Batman action in The Flash. The action exhibited by Keaton’s Batman in the movie was exciting to see for anyone familiar with Tim Burton’s original two Batman movies from the 1980s and 90s. It is worth noting that the technological differences between a movie in the 80s and one released in 2023 are huge, but looking back on how The Flash utilized Keaton’s Batman makes it more disappointing that he did not appear in another film beyond the iteration of the DCU containing Batman and Batman Returns.

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