Drop‘s first trailer has arrived, teasing the intense new Blumhouse horror thriller movie. Directed by Christopher Landon, the director behind Happy Death Day (2017), the upcoming film follows a woman on a first date that takes a dark turn after she is bombarded with threatening text messages about her son. The Drop cast features Meghann Fahy of The White Lotus fame in the lead role as Violet, with 1923 cast member Brandon Skelnar playing Henry, her mysterious date.
Blumhouse now releases the first trailer for Drop, teasing a twisting and unpredictable thrill ride. The trailer features Violet’s date getting off to a positive though somewhat awkward start, but things take a dark turn when someone in the restaurant they’re in starts airdropping her ominous messages. As Violent tries to determine who in the restaurant is responsible, she finds herself racing against the clock to save her son’s life after being ordered to kill Henry. Check out the trailer below:
What The Drop Trailer Means For The Movie
This Is A Classic Blumhouse Thriller
Blumhouse is one of the biggest names in horror, usually releasing anywhere between five and eight movies a year in the genre. The company operates with a specific business model, with most of their movies featuring high concepts, recognizable actors, and budgets less than $20 million. Drop, from the trailer, seems to meet these criteria, and the story looks to be contained to two main locations: Violet’s house and the fancy upper floor restaurant.
Drop‘s trailer suggests that the film will be much closer to the thriller end of the spectrum than the horror end, with no real jumpscares featured in the footage. A key driver of the story will be Violet’s attempts to subtly case out the restaurant for the perpetrator, but the mastermind responsible starts killing those around her after she becomes a little too curious. As for other actors featured in the trailer, audiences can expect to see Violett Beane, Ed Weeks, Travis Nelson, Jeffery Self, and Gabrielle Ryan.
Beane previously starred in Truth or Dare (2018), another Blumhouse horror movie.
Our Take On The Drop Trailer
Blumhouse’s Latest Has The Ingredients To Be A Winner
With Drop‘s story being so contained, a lot of the film will ride on the quality of the script and the strength of the performances. The White Lotus certainly suggests Fahy is up to the task, and it will be interesting to see her as the anchor of this kind of thriller. Sklenar, too, is a highlight of 1923, making him a strong second lead.
Fahy is not expected to return in The White Lotus season 3, but Sklenar will be in 1923 season 2.
As is the case with Blumhouse horror thrillers, Drop will surely feature some surprising narrative twists, with not all characters likely to be who they seem. After Happy Death Day and its sequel, Landon seems like the perfect filmmaker to bring this kind of story to life, suggesting Drop could be another win for Blumhouse.
Source: Blumhouse