The second trailer for Mickey 17 has debuted. After originally being scheduled for release in March 2024, the movie’s release date was changed five times before settling on a March 7, 2025 debut. The film is directed by the Academy Award-winning Bong Joon-ho and is the filmmaker’s first movie since Parasite. Mickey 17‘s star-studded cast features Robert Pattinson, Naomi Ackie, Steven Yeun, Toni Collette, and Mark Ruffalo. Pattinson plays Mickey, an “expendable” sent to dangerous work who is regenerated each time his body dies.
Warner Bros. has now released the second trailer for Mickey 17. Mickey explains that he left Earth to become an expendable after nothing was working out for him there. Life as an expendable is even more miserable, save for his relationship with Nasha (Ackie). When there are two versions of Mickey in play, both are hunted down, and the two Mickeys resolve to fight to the death before they can be killed by their greedy overlords. Check out the trailer below:
What This Means For Mickey 17
Robert Pattinson Is Delivering An Impressive Dual Performance
Mickey 17‘s latest trailer further solidifies it as one of the most anticipated movies of 2025. Pattinson continues to sound unrecognizable in every version of Mickey that he plays, but his voice works well in the context of this science-fiction dark comedy story. Mickey 17 looks nothing like Parasite, but that may be a good thing, as it will continue to diversify Bong’s impressive filmmaking career, and make it feel distinct from his other works.
Pattinson interacting with himself is poised to be an acting masterclass.
As for the story itself, the trailer provides more context about Nasha and her connection to Mickey, along with context about Mickey’s life before becoming an expendable. As important as Nasha’s relationship with the various Mickeys is, the story’s most important relationship will be between the two versions of Mickey as they unite against those who seek to destroy them. Pattinson interacting with himself is poised to be an acting masterclass.
Our Take On Mickey 17’s Newest Trailer
Mickey 17 Could Become One Of Robert Pattinson’s All-Time Best Movies
Mickey 17 has the potential to be one of Robert Pattinson’s best movies yet. It is leaning into dark, absurdist comedy while also providing valuable political commentary about how the working class is exploited. Pattinson’s dual performance is the biggest draw, but Mark Ruffalo and Toni Collette also look compelling as the wealthy and powerful characters who rely on expendables and who want to destroy the multiple versions of Mickey. Unlike Parasite, Mickey 17 may not go on to win numerous awards, but it looks like an equally compelling movie.
Source: Warner Bros.