Wolf Man is a standalone reboot of an iconic Universal Monsters character, but the franchise potential of the property could leave questions about the future. Universal has been in the business of making Wolf Man movies for over 80 years, and 2025 brings the latest iteration of the character to the screen. Directed by Leigh Whannell (The Invisible Man), the film stars Christopher Abbott and Julia Garner as a husband and wife who must survive the night with their daughter as Abbott’s Blake begins a terrifying transformation.
Although the film is not connected to the Dark Universe, nor is Wolf Man tied to The Invisible Man, there is some inherent franchise potential with the Wolf Man character. Universal has attempted a few different werewolf based franchises over the decades and found the most success in the 1940s. With franchises only growing in popularity since then, it’s become quite common for IP-based films to include post-credits scenes that tease audiences with the possibility of another installment. Anyone who watches Wolf Man could question if there is a bonus scene in the credits.
Wolf Man Does Not Have A Post-Credits Scene
There Is No Credits Scene Of Any Kind
It is confirmed that Wolf Man does not have a post-credits scene, though. The movie leaves its ending intact by not attaching a mid-credits or end-credits scene to the film. It is still encouraged to watch the credits to see the names of everyone who worked on the movie, beyond just Wolf Man‘s cast and director. Ultimately, there is no need for viewers to fear that they will miss a potential sequel tease by not sticking through the entire sequence. There’s no tease that the Wolf Man will be coming back.
Why Wolf Man Does Not Have A Post-Credits Scene
The Future Of Wolf Man Is Unconfirmed
The lack of a Wolf Man post-credits scene makes sense on multiple levels. Universal and Blumhouse have yet to confirm any intentions to make more movies with the werewolf character. Without getting into spoilers, that aligns with Wolf Man‘s ending and where the film leaves its main characters. This does not mean a sequel will not happen, but one is not already planned at this stage. It would not make much sense to tease audiences with such a film then right now.
The fate of Wolf Man as a franchise could rest on its performance financially. Universal and Blumhouse are not necessarily looking to redo the Dark Universe and make a wider cinematic monster franchise, but the studios are working on other projects based around classic Universal Monsters. More movies involving Wolf Man could be part of that plan down the road. Wolf Man‘s box office will need to prove to the studio that there is enough interest to explore the character further. Wolf Man is better off leaving audiences with a standalone story than suggesting more to come when that’s uncertain.