Every Star Wars Species Introduced In The Mos Eisley Cantina Explained

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mos Eisley Cantina Aliens

The Mos Eisley Cantina is one of the most memorable locales in 1977’s Star Wars (now known as A New Hope), having introduced numerous alien species to the franchise. A New Hope initially has few sapient beings, starting out with humans and droids but soon introducing Tatooine’s Jawas and Tusken Raiders. Once Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi enter Mos Eisley’s famous cantina, however, a mulтιтude of transients of various species are shown, expanding the Star Wars galaxy.

The Mos Eisley Cantina – also known as Chalmun’s Spaceport Cantina – is a popular establishment, frequented by Mos Eisley’s smugglers, criminals, mercenaries, and other unscrupulous figures. The Cantina’s owner – the wookiee Chalmun – is not seen in live-action, but his employees, which include the daytime bartender Wuher, the night shift bartender Ackmena, and the bouncer Tork, are seen in both A New Hope and The Star Wars Holiday SpecialA New Hope’s Cantina sequence introduces over 30 species to the Star Wars mythos, with most continuing to appear in the franchise to this day.


Myo in the Mos Eisley Cantina in Star Wars A New Hope

The short-tempered brawler Myo is the first Abyssin seen in the Star Wars franchise. Like all other Abyssins, Myo is cycloptic and possesses regenerative abilities, making him particularly dangerous in the fights he was all too eager to start. Most recently, the Abyssin Gor Karesh played a small role in The Mandalorian season 2, episode 1.


Bom Vimdim the Advozse in the Mos Eisley Cantain in Star Wars A New Hope

The hairless, single-horned, Advozse species call the hazardous and volcanic Mid Rim world of Riflor home. The widely disliked and highly amoral mercenary Bom Vimdin is the first Advozse seen in Star Wars. Many others, however, would appear throughout the franchise, often as warlords or criminals.


Dannik Jerriko the Anzat in the Mos Eisley Cantina in Star Wars A New Hope

The seemingly unᴀssuming humanoid Dannik Jerriko can be seen smoking a pipe in A New Hope’s Cantina sequence. While ostensibly human, Jerriko is an Anzat, a vampiric species with two hidden probosces on their cheeks. Anzati are naturally Force-sensitive, with mind-controlling abilities and an affinity for drinking the brain matter of other species – with Anzati referring to the brain matter as “soup.”


Ponda Baba looks at another creature in Star Wars.

The belligerent Aqualish Cantina patron Ponda Baba famously picked a fight with Luke Skywalker, costing him his arm, courtesy of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Although Baba conforms to the Aqualish stereotype of being a brutish thug, there are numerous Aqualish characters throughout both Star Wars continuities, with many defying the stereotype. Although villainous and corrupt, the former Republic senator Po Nudo became a key figure in the CIS, controlling the Hyper-Communications Cartel, the Separatist counterpart to the Republic’s Holonet.


The Arcona species in the Star Wars franchise, in artwork and in The Clone Wars.

The reptilian Arcona species is one of the first aliens shown in the Cantina. Arcona notably could become easily addicted to sodium chloride (table salt), with their eyes turning a gold color when they became addicted to the mineral. The Arcona Hem Dazon has visibly gold eyes in A New Hope, indicating his addiction.


Rycar Ryjerd the Bimm in the Mos Eisley Cantain in Star Wars A New Hope

The easily-missed Rycar Ryjerd is a pilot trainer and smuggler seen at the bar in Chalmun’s Cantina. While seemingly human, Ryjerd is a member of the Bimm species, who are generally shorter than humans but have a notably longer lifespan. Rycar Ryjerd’s son, Rayc Ryjerd, appears in Return of the Jedi as an underling of Jabba the Hutt.


A group of Bith in the Cantina Band in Star Wars

One of the most memorable elements of the Mos Eisley Cantina is its diegetic music, played by the all-Bith cantina band Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes. Bith quickly became stereotyped – both in-universe and among Star Wars viewers – as musicians, and while the species was indeed generally pacifistic and highly appreciative of art, there are plenty of examples of Bith who pursue other careers. The genius Rugess Nome – a renowned starship designer for the galactic elite – was secretly the Sith Lord Darth Tenebrous, who mentored Darth Plagueis and designed Darth Maul’s Sith Infiltrator.


Tzizvvt the Brizzit in the Mos Eisley Cantina in Star Wars A New Hope

Another easily-missed background character in Chalmun’s Cantina is Tzizvvt. This blink-and-you’ll-miss-it character is a fugitive who masquerades as an archeologist. Tzizvvt is a member of the insectoid Brizzit species, who have few appearances in the Star Wars franchise outside A New Hope.


A Chadra-Fan inside the Mos Eisley cantina asks for another drink.

The small, bat-like, thief known as Kabe is visible in the Mos Eisley Cantina, eagerly drinking a juri juice. Kabe is a Chadra-Fan – a mechanically-inclined species from the aquatic Outer Rim planet of Chad. Other Chadra-Fan include Tekli and Tili Qua, who each became Jedi in the original Legends continuity’s New Jedi Order.


Arleil Schous the Defel in the Mos Eisley Cantain in Star Wars A New Hope

The shadowy and wolf-like Defel known as Arleil Schous is one of the first beings shown in the Mos Eisley Cantina, though some footage of him is removed from A New Hope in its 1997 special edition. Defel had the unique ability to bend light around them, making many appear as little more than shadows. The elderly Arleil Schous struggled with this ability due to his age. Despite his intimidating appearance, however, Arleil Schous was an ally to the Rebel Alliance.


Horns & Tusks

A red-skinned Devaronian with horns in the Mos Eisley Cantina in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope.

The demonic Devaronian species is one of the more notable species introduced in the Mos Eisley Cantina. The Devaronian seen onscreen is known as “Labria,” though this is only an alias. In truth, the Devaronian is the war criminal Kardue’sai’Malloc, also known as “The Butcher of Montellian Serat.”

Years after Return of the Jedi, Kardue’sai’Malloc would become one of the final bounties captured by Boba Fett. Devaronians appeared again in Star Wars in the form of Burg, a member of Ranzar Malk’s gang in The Mandalorian season 1.


Skilled Fighters

Duros in Star Wars

Two Duros appear in Chalmun’s Cantina, and the species is overall quite prominent in both Star Wars continuities. The Duros species is one of the first in the Star Wars galaxy to develop spacefaring technology.

Easily the most famous Duros in the franchise is the modern canon’s Cad Bane – a ruthless bounty hunter who menaced the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars and became a mentor and rival to Boba Fett.


Peaceful Herbivores

Elis Helrot the Givin in the Mos Eisley Cantain in Star Wars A New Hope

The skeletal-looking Givin species debuts in A New Hope’s Cantina sequence, with Elis Helrot appearing as a patron. Givin, like Duros and Mon Calamari, are known as a spacefaring species, with their biological structure allowing them to survive the vacuum of space for a brief time. Elis Helrot himself was an amoral businessman, who worked as both a smuggler and slave trader.


Aquatic Eyes

Feltipern Trevagg the Gotal in the Mos Eisley Cantina in Star Wars A New Hope

Several Gotal appear in the Mos Eisley Cantina, including the named Gotal Feltipern Trevagg. The goat-like Gotal are exceptionally perceptive, with their horns allowing them to receive different forms of energy, making them naturally some of the galaxy’s finest hunters. Gotal have since been seen in various animated series, including Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars: The Bad Batch, but returned to live-action in Ahsoka episode 1.


Large & Muscular

Feltipern Trevagg and M'iiyoom Onith in the Mos Eisley Cantina in Star Wars A New Hope

The H’nemthe species debuts in A New Hope as well, with M’iiyoom Onith sharing a table with her lover, Feltipern Trevagg. Unbeknownst to the Gotal, however, female H’nemthe murder their lovers as part of a cultural ritual, resulting in Trevagg’s evisceration. This date is a dark foreshadowing of that eventual event.


Wise & Ancien

Star Wars: Momaw Nadon aka Hammerhead

The Ithorian species is extremely prominent in both Star Wars continuities, with the first Ithorian to appear onscreen being Momaw Nadon – who was exiled from his homeworld. Another famous Ithorian is the Jedi Master Roron Corobb, who weaponizes his species’ four throats and augments them with the Force to create destructive shockwaves that were effective against General Grievous and his Separatist droids. Most recently, the Ithorian Mayor Mok Shaiz was one of Boba Fett’s many adversaries in The Book of Boba Fett



Dice Ibegon the Lamproid in the Mos Eisley Cantina in Star Wars A New Hope

A worm-like being known as a Lamproid is shown speaking to other Cantina patrons in A New Hope. Due to the hazardous nature of their homeworld of Florn, Lamproids were powerful predators, possessing incredible strength, sharp teeth, and venom. The Lamproid seen in Mos Eisley – Dice Ibegon – was a benevolent character, a Force-sensitive member of the Rebel Alliance.


Gilled Humanoids

Solomahal the Lutrillian in the Mos Eisley Cantain in Star Wars A New Hope

The Lutrillian species also debuts in A New Hope, with the characters Atheloe and Ownellco appearing in the background of the Cantina.

One of these properties includes the modern canon’s Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

While little is known about the two Lutrillians, the species has made many more appearances in the Star Wars franchise. One of these properties includes the modern canon’s Star Wars: The Clone Wars.


Skilled Pilots

Nabrun Leids the Moorseerian in the Mos Eisley Cantina in Star Wars A New Hope

One of the more distinctive alien species to debut in A New Hope is the four-armed, methane-breathing, Morseerian. The Morseerian pilot Nabrun Leids can be seen in the Cantina, speaking to Rycar Ryjerd.


Small & Furry

Mosep Binneed the Nimbanel in the Mos Eisley Cantain in Star Wars A New Hope

The Nimbanel species also debuts in A New Hope’s Cantina sequence, with Mosep Binneed being briefly visible. Fascinatingly, Binneed was originally going to be Jabba the Hutt himself, but this would be retconned later. Binneed is simply one of Jabba’s accountants who would be referred to as Jabba in the Hutt crime lord’s absence.


Bird-like Humanoids

Bom Vimdim the Advozse in the Mos Eisley Cantain in Star Wars A New Hope

The hairless, single-horned, Advozse species call the hazardous and volcanic Mid Rim world of Riflor home. The widely disliked and highly amoral mercenary Bom Vimdin is the first Advozse seen in Star Wars. Many others, however, would appear throughout the franchise, often as warlords or criminals.


Force-Sensitive Predators

Dannik Jerriko the Anzat in the Mos Eisley Cantina in Star Wars A New Hope

The seemingly unᴀssuming humanoid Dannik Jerriko can be seen smoking a pipe in A New Hope’s Cantina sequence. While ostensibly human, Jerriko is an Anzat, a vampiric species with two hidden probosces on their cheeks. Anzati are naturally Force-sensitive, with mind-controlling abilities and an affinity for drinking the brain matter of other species – with Anzati referring to the brain matter as “soup.”


Gills & Scales in Mos Eisley

Ponda Baba looks at another creature in Star Wars.

The belligerent Aqualish Cantina patron Ponda Baba famously picked a fight with Luke Skywalker, costing him his arm, courtesy of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Although Baba conforms to the Aqualish stereotype of being a brutish thug, there are numerous Aqualish characters throughout both Star Wars continuities, with many defying the stereotype. Although villainous and corrupt, the former Republic senator Po Nudo became a key figure in the CIS, controlling the Hyper-Communications Cartel, the Separatist counterpart to the Republic’s Holonet.


Tall, Slender Humanoids

The Arcona species in the Star Wars franchise, in artwork and in The Clone Wars.

The reptilian Arcona species is one of the first aliens shown in the Cantina. Arcona notably could become easily addicted to sodium chloride (table salt), with their eyes turning a gold color when they became addicted to the mineral. The Arcona Hem Dazon has visibly gold eyes in A New Hope, indicating his addiction.


Small, Furry Cantina Dwellers

Rycar Ryjerd the Bimm in the Mos Eisley Cantain in Star Wars A New Hope

The easily-missed Rycar Ryjerd is a pilot trainer and smuggler seen at the bar in Chalmun’s Cantina. While seemingly human, Ryjerd is a member of the Bimm species, who are generally shorter than humans but have a notably longer lifespan. Rycar Ryjerd’s son, Rayc Ryjerd, appears in Return of the Jedi as an underling of Jabba the Hutt.


Blind Organ Players

A group of Bith in the Cantina Band in Star Wars

One of the most memorable elements of the Mos Eisley Cantina is its diegetic music, played by the all-Bith cantina band Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes. Bith quickly became stereotyped – both in-universe and among Star Wars viewers – as musicians, and while the species was indeed generally pacifistic and highly appreciative of art, there are plenty of examples of Bith who pursue other careers. The genius Rugess Nome – a renowned starship designer for the galactic elite – was secretly the Sith Lord Darth Tenebrous, who mentored Darth Plagueis and designed Darth Maul’s Sith Infiltrator.


Reptilian Smugglers

Tzizvvt the Brizzit in the Mos Eisley Cantina in Star Wars A New Hope

Another easily-missed background character in Chalmun’s Cantina is Tzizvvt. This blink-and-you’ll-miss-it character is a fugitive who masquerades as an archeologist. Tzizvvt is a member of the insectoid Brizzit species, who have few appearances in the Star Wars franchise outside A New Hope.


Four-Armed Traders

A Chadra-Fan inside the Mos Eisley cantina asks for another drink.

The small, bat-like, thief known as Kabe is visible in the Mos Eisley Cantina, eagerly drinking a juri juice. Kabe is a Chadra-Fan – a mechanically-inclined species from the aquatic Outer Rim planet of Chad. Other Chadra-Fan include Tekli and Tili Qua, who each became Jedi in the original Legends continuity’s New Jedi Order.


Bovine-like Aliens

Arleil Schous the Defel in the Mos Eisley Cantain in Star Wars A New Hope

The shadowy and wolf-like Defel known as Arleil Schous is one of the first beings shown in the Mos Eisley Cantina, though some footage of him is removed from A New Hope in its 1997 special edition. Defel had the unique ability to bend light around them, making many appear as little more than shadows.

Despite his intimidating appearance, however, Arleil Schous was an ally to the Rebel Alliance.

The elderly Arleil Schous struggled with this ability due to his age. Despite his intimidating appearance, however, Arleil Schous was an ally to the Rebel Alliance.

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