The Flash Director’s Recent Comments Were Wrong About Why The Movie Bombed At The Box Office But I Still Have Hope For His Upcoming DC Universe Batman Movie

Ben Affleck's Batman and Ezra Miller's Flash from The Flash with a lightning background

Andy Muschietti’s reasons for why The Flash bombed at the box office might be wrong, but I think he remains a fine choice to helm Batman‘s first DC Universe movie. Ben Affleck was added to the list of live-action Batman actors with multiple appearances as Bruce Wayne in the DCEU. However, much like what happened with Superman star Henry Cavill, Affleck will not be back as Batman in James Gunn’s DC Universe. While recent rumors suggested Robert Pattinson’s Bruce Wayne could join the DCU, a new actor will take on the role in Batman’s The Brave and the Bold movie.

The anticipated Batman film will follow Bruce Wayne discovering he has a son, Damian. The Flash‘s Andy Muschietti will direct the Batman film, and I can understand why some DC fans might not be sure about that choice. Ezra Miller’s first solo film as the Flash lost Warner millions, becoming one of the biggest box office bombs of all time. Recently, Muschietti made some comments about why he thinks The Flash failed. I do not agree with the points raised by the director, but Muchietti understands Batman better than the Flash, so I’m hopeful for the Dark Knight’s upcoming movie.

I Do Not Agree With Andy Muschietti’s Reasons For The Flash Movie’s Failure

The Director Tried To Explain The DCEU’s Biggest Box Office Bomb

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